Jumat, 08 Januari 2016

Just made a Chocolate Tart, Cream Puff, and Chocolate Cupcakes!

Recently, during my school holiday, I did a fun activity which was baking. Yes, baking. I thought it’s the right time since there might be no way I have time to bake if I already get back to school.
Baru-baru ini, selama liburan sekolah, aku melakukan aktivitas yang menyenangkan, yaitu baking. Yes, BAKING. Aku rasa ini waktu yang tepat untuk memasak karena kalau udah masuk sekolah, jadinya sibuk.

Four days ago, I made chocolate tarts, but the individual ones. It was my first time I baked chocolate tart, and I’m proud that the result was pretty much a success. For me, the pastry base was a perfect success. The chocolate filling was also a success, but it’s need a long time (about one day) to harden perfectly because I didn’t measure the chocolate needed correctly.
Empat hari yang lalu, aku membuat Chocolate tart atau yang sering disebut sebagai pie cokelat. Ini adalah pertama kalinya aku membuat chocolate tart dan aku cukup bangga dengan hasilnya yang sukses. Menurutku, dasar pastrynya bener-bener berhasil. Isian cokelatnya juga berhasil, hanya saja dibutuhkan waktu yang lama agar bias mengeras. Sepertinya, ini karena aku salah ngukur atau kedikitan masukin cokelatnya.

Chocolate Tarts

Pastry Base
Margarine 200g

Chocolate Bar 300g
Cake flour 300g

Milk 100 ml
Cold water 2 tbsp

Butter 2tbsp
Refined sugar 60g

Yolk 1

Salt 1tsp

-Mix together the margarine, cold water, and dry ingredients until well blended by hands. Add the yolk and mix it until incorporated.
-Store the dough in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.
-Then, roll it, cut it, and put it on the individual pastry molds. Store it again in the refrigerator for 5 minutes so that it retains the shape.
-Next, prick the bottom of the base of each tart with fork so it doesn’t ballooned.
-Bake them for 15 to 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius. After they’ve cooked, remove and set aside
Boil the milk together with butter and chocolate bar. Stir it well until it’s evenly mixed and thickened. Pour the filling to the pastry base and let it hardens in the refrigerator.

Yesterday, I made a cream puff (but I didn’t make the filling … ha ha (what’s the point of creampuff without the CREAM….))
Kemarin, aku membuat kue sus, tapi tanpa isian fla nya. Hehe.

But it turned out really good. I was happy because it did rise in the oven, so it didn’t fail at all. I heard that when baking a cream puff, you must not open the oven before it’s exactly done.
Tapi hasilnya bagus kok. Aku senang karena kue sus nya mengembang, jadi tidak gagal deh. Aku juga sempet dengar kalau lagi manggang kue sus, jangan membuka oven kalau dia belum benar-benar matang.

Cream Puff that I made 

I also suggest if you’re making a creampuff, do not make a large circle when you’re squeezing out the dough because latter on, it might break apart or deflated. That’s what I’ve experienced when making this creampuff. Small circle would give a better result and good-look.
Aku sarankan kalau kamu bikin kue sus, jangan membuat lingkaran besar dari adonannya karena bisa jadi patah atau mengempis saat sudah matang. Lebih baik buat saja lingkaran kecil. Ini bisa menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik dan tentunya, enak dilihat.

This morning I made chocolate cupcakes which were definitely a huge success. 
Pagi ini aku bikin cupcake cokelat yang enak banget dan sukses besar.

Chocolate Cupcakes

For me the result was wonderful. The cupcakes have the exact taste of sweetness and a very delicate texture. Yum!
Hasilnya bagus. Rasa manisnya pas dan tekskturnya sangat lembut. Yum!

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