Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION - Commencement Exercises

Four days ago, on the 8th June 2017, I went to school and received my official graduation certificate. Yes, I have officially graduated from high school.

So now, I’d to like to share some of my memorable memories about events that are related to my graduation from high school.

*This page will talk about the Commencement Exercises. The other graduation-related things that continue this page are written in other pages. Click the link below:
Let’s get started!


First of all, the 2017 Commencement Exercises. This once-in-a-lifetime ceremony took place on April 21st, 2017, where each of us, the Grade 12 students who had finished our final exam and national exam, was dressed in black gown and wearing a black cap. Special for the ladies, we also wore black heels which I believed that the purpose of the heels was to make ourselves stand out and look formal + hopefully, elegant. ☺
with some of the graduates :)

Anyway, Commencement Exercises was wonderful and full of happiness. It was a day which all of us had been waiting for, a day in which we could start to think of waving our hands, saying good-bye to high school.  It was also a special day for everyone as the parents and families of the students came to the ceremony with proud smiles that glowed from their joyful faces.
with my parents :)

I thank God that I was truly honored to be the student representative in the ceremony. I was sincerely grateful for the trust that was given to me, and also the fact that the speech went well. I hoped that the speech could be a blessing and inspiration to anyone who listened to it. Of course, I also won’t forget my parents and teachers who had helped me in preparing my speech.  To be noted, they did not change what I honestly wanted to say from my heart, but they helped me to beautify my speech so that the speech could correctly deliver its significant meaning and purpose.

Here is the link to the final script of my speech if you want to take a look of it: Graduation Speech

By the way, as April 21st 2017 was four days before my 17th birthday, it could be excitingly said that I was happily still 16 years old at the time I was a candidate for graduation. Yey!

In that Commencement Exercises, I was also grateful to get these awards: Outstanding Performance in Ekonomi Kurnas, Outstanding Academic Achievement in 12B, and Model Student Award.

All I can say about the awards: Thanks be only to God.

I don’t mean to be ‘too holy’, but really, it is the fact: “I can do all things through God who strengthens me”.

If you have never heard about my story about my first year of high school (which I actually shared it a little bit in my speech), just ask me to tell you. In the first semester of high school, I was struggling and almost gave up. ALMOST. But then thankfully, I was reminded to give my best, doing whatever I do as for the Lord and not for men.  This also means that I also learned to always give thanks in all circumstances. So, for me, personally, it is important to trust in the Lord, always do the best, and be grateful at all times. 
Truly honored to receive the beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers

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