Minggu, 11 Juni 2017


Cheers to the yearbook committee! I do like my high school yearbook! It’s my favorite.
The design is awesome and very aesthetic.

I’m glad to be chosen as the “best smile”. It’s really an honor. It also reminds me to excitedly put a quote here: “Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.”

Furthermore, I also laughed and somehow nodded when I read a part of the “foreword” from the yearbook committee: “Flick through the pages and you’ll find your friend, who was usually unruly, look suave.”

The Student Council
I think there's a sensation of Kinfolk Magazine seen through the yearbook photo concept

The class picture

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION - National Exam and University Application


I have seen mathematics as a very important and fundamental subject. Even though I did not take science stream in high school, I was serious when it came into mathematics.

I never took a regular course on mathematics, but my parents had encouraged me to be diligent in practicing mathematics. Yes, mathematics is all about practice. It cannot be mastered by only studying in the night before an exam. Be good in mathematics needs patience, diligence, and willingness to see mathematics as a fun challenge that needs to be solved.

Thanks be only to God, on the 1st May 2017, my mathematics teacher told me through chat that I was the only student in the school who got a perfect score on mathematics in the national exam. To be honest, of course, I cheered and very happy to hear that because it meant that I got 100 on mathematics in every national exam (in 6th grade, 9th grade, and finally 12th grade) that I went through.

I don’t mean or want to brag by writing about my perfect score in this blog. Instead, I’d like to share with you as well as remind myself that reaching a goal needs process. Hard work is important, but the aim of the hard work itself should not be to reach vanity. Hard work is important in the way that it is an essential part of giving your best. But kindly remember, hard work is a vain if it is undertaken without trust in God. So, again, do the best in all things as for God, and always be grateful.

On the 2nd May 2017, I got the announcement that I am accepted as a student in the University of Indonesia, taking double degree accounting program, via talent scouting entryway. I was so happy, relieved, and grateful. Thanks only be to God ☺

Announcement from the website
Note: I had actually prepared to enter a private university if I was not accepted in the state university. Even if it turns out that I’m not accepted in University of Indonesia, I do believe that wherever we study, God puts each of us in the best place according to His wonderful plan


Secondly, the prom night, which I personally prefer to call it as a farewell party. It’s because I went there without a male partner  and I didn’t really have a formal dance there.

But still, prom night was great and worth to be remembered. Our prom night was held in a ballroom of Pullman Hotel in Central Park, Jakarta. Yes, it’s a luxurious place. Its theme was “Vintage Jakarta” which could be seen through the stage and photo booth backdrop decorations. However, there was no requirement to wear vintage dress.

 First photo with my friend 
So, I came to the prom wearing a tailored white dress. I chose white because (I believed) I looked clean and good in white, and also wanted to make it beautifully simple. It was also my Mom who did my hairstyle, since the hairdresser was suddenly sick and could not be called.

Second picture. Look at the vintage backdrop :)
Anyway, the organizer of the prom was good, they had two hilarious MCs. There were also creative games as well as lovely performances from fellow students. Some of our respected teachers were also invited to come to the prom night, they were the VIP guests, and they were amazing, although they left the party earlier. Dinner was a buffet, and if I could recall, it consisted of rice, stir-fried vegetables, fish fingers, chicken, salad, chocolate pudding, marble cake, and other delicious selections. 

The party was ended with a singing performance of a guest star, and I left the party at around 12 am. I happily brought home my photo box picture as a souvenir.
The photo box result

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION - My graduation speech


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,
I am Marvela Ester from 12 B and I am truly honored to stand here, representing the class of 2017.

 “Storms make trees take deeper roots”

I believe that no one amongst us has never experienced what we call hard times. If someone asks me what my hard time was, I would honestly answer, “When I entered high school”. Yes, my first year of high school in (my school) was one of the strongest storms that I’ve ever encountered. I was shocked by the Seatwork galore, the high expectation of English fluency, the new and intimidating school environment not to mention many more overwhelming burdens. I was scared, I was nervous, I was anxious, and I was full of worries. I still remember the time, in early days of grade 10, when I burst into tears, complaining to my parents that I disliked my new school with its entirely foreign environment. As I seemed so desperate and stressed, my parents offered me two options, both of which I could have freely chosen. Firstly, I could leave (my school) and move to another school, which seemed to be the more simple  solution  - to “escape” from my problem. Or secondly, I could try to study and adjust to (my school) for at least one semester.  Knowing that I should face-up to the challenge, that giving up would be too easy,  I chose the second option.

As I expected, the first semester of school was, as I predicted, not easy. Mercifully, as time passed, I became used to the routine of my new school. With God’s help, support from my teachers and parents - and my lovely new classmates!  -  plus the endless prayer I was able to pull through the difficult times. I voluntarily sacrificed many of my weekends to study, google translate-d every word in my textbook so that I could understand it, and summarise the text to my understanding.

The time went by so fast that I completed grade 10 before I knew it.  Then I finished grade 11. And now, amazingly, I’m standing here in front of my wonderful fellow graduates, proudly ready to say good bye to high school.

Friends, I believe that each of us have our hard times. But look at us now. In spite of the struggles, mistakes, difficulties, heartbreak, tears, and failure - we have come through and now stand here ready to graduate. That is an awesome thing to do, and I would like to give big congratulations to all of us. Let’s give ourselves a big round of applause.
We did not run away from the hard times,  from our problems. Instead we confronted them and used them to help us grow into stronger, more independent people. We  have worked hard to reach this point; but of course, we couldn’t have made it to this exciting moment alone.

Therefore, let us express our deepest gratitude. Firstly to our God, thanking Him because all things are possible through God who strengthens us.  Secondly, thanks to our parents who love us unconditionally. Thank you for your uncountable prayers and the thousands of ways you have encouraged and supported us on our journey. To our teachers and advisors, thank you for your guidance and for not giving up on us. Thank you for believing in us, and pushing us so that we could realise our true potential. Thank you to our school, (my school name), for being our second home. The learning that we have experienced here has shaped us, day by day, into better people. To those who have supported us through these years of our life, we thank you. Without you, we would not be the individuals who stand before you today.

As we know, after today, some of us will be looking forward to the challenge of A-level exams, undergoing internships, and  preparing for entry into university. Each of us will travel our own path, pursuing our passions, goals, and dreams.  But friends, please remember that life is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Indeed, we must have dreams as we strive for success. But, keep in mind that achieving success is not just about having lots of money or endless recognition. It is also about giving happiness and hope and touching the lives of the people that we meet on life’s journey. Is it not more satisfying if the success we aim for is the kind of success that propels us to better versions of ourselves?  

Whatever happens, always remember to count your blessings, be grateful, and do your best in all things with a smile.  We ourselves, not other people,  are responsible for own happiness. It is we who shape our own happiness in every stuation. Worrying and complaining will not help us solve our problems. So, “let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.”

Class of 2017,
Believe it or not, we will miss high school. What will we miss? The people. I will miss my friends the most. The people I know – whether it be casually or in a close way – are what make school great. The everlasting memories that I have of high school are great because of the people with whom I share those moments. Field trips, competitions, sports, games, even the struggle of school assignments and projects, would mean nothing if those special people were not around to share them.

It’s always good to remember where you come from and who you represent. Leaving this school does not mean that we are no longer part of the school’s family. We are one batch, one family. Together, we have experienced both wonderful and not-so-wonderful times.

A famous quote tells us: “Family are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”

To our incredible friends, thank you for being here through all the ups and downs. You certainly are the main reason why we will miss high school.

So, let’s wish all the best to each and every one of us, may we become lifelong friends.

Today we will all have a blast because there’ll be no more school demerits (THEN SMILE)

Do your best and God bless every one of us.
Congratulations class of 2017, we did it!

Thank you.

HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION - Commencement Exercises

Four days ago, on the 8th June 2017, I went to school and received my official graduation certificate. Yes, I have officially graduated from high school.

So now, I’d to like to share some of my memorable memories about events that are related to my graduation from high school.

*This page will talk about the Commencement Exercises. The other graduation-related things that continue this page are written in other pages. Click the link below:
Let’s get started!


First of all, the 2017 Commencement Exercises. This once-in-a-lifetime ceremony took place on April 21st, 2017, where each of us, the Grade 12 students who had finished our final exam and national exam, was dressed in black gown and wearing a black cap. Special for the ladies, we also wore black heels which I believed that the purpose of the heels was to make ourselves stand out and look formal + hopefully, elegant. ☺
with some of the graduates :)

Anyway, Commencement Exercises was wonderful and full of happiness. It was a day which all of us had been waiting for, a day in which we could start to think of waving our hands, saying good-bye to high school.  It was also a special day for everyone as the parents and families of the students came to the ceremony with proud smiles that glowed from their joyful faces.
with my parents :)

I thank God that I was truly honored to be the student representative in the ceremony. I was sincerely grateful for the trust that was given to me, and also the fact that the speech went well. I hoped that the speech could be a blessing and inspiration to anyone who listened to it. Of course, I also won’t forget my parents and teachers who had helped me in preparing my speech.  To be noted, they did not change what I honestly wanted to say from my heart, but they helped me to beautify my speech so that the speech could correctly deliver its significant meaning and purpose.

Here is the link to the final script of my speech if you want to take a look of it: Graduation Speech

By the way, as April 21st 2017 was four days before my 17th birthday, it could be excitingly said that I was happily still 16 years old at the time I was a candidate for graduation. Yey!

In that Commencement Exercises, I was also grateful to get these awards: Outstanding Performance in Ekonomi Kurnas, Outstanding Academic Achievement in 12B, and Model Student Award.

All I can say about the awards: Thanks be only to God.

I don’t mean to be ‘too holy’, but really, it is the fact: “I can do all things through God who strengthens me”.

If you have never heard about my story about my first year of high school (which I actually shared it a little bit in my speech), just ask me to tell you. In the first semester of high school, I was struggling and almost gave up. ALMOST. But then thankfully, I was reminded to give my best, doing whatever I do as for the Lord and not for men.  This also means that I also learned to always give thanks in all circumstances. So, for me, personally, it is important to trust in the Lord, always do the best, and be grateful at all times. 
Truly honored to receive the beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers